Posts in Health
How I Cleared My Skin

I have always struggled with my skin.  I haven't had serious acne, but it has been constant.  Since I hit puberty I have had steady breakouts.  As soon as one pimple or grouping of pimples healed, more would appear.  Not matter what harsh chemicals I used topically, no matter what hormones I ingested orally, my skin just wouldn't get clear.  Even going vegan wasn't enough.

But for the first time in my entire adult life, I feel comfortable ditching the concealer and foundation and letting my skin show.

So what changed?

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The Truth About The Beef Industry

Unlike most animal foods, many people are not only aware of the negative impact of eating beef on their health but actively avoiding it - and they're right to.

But it's not just for health reasons that beef is a bad choice.  The raising of cattle has more of an environmental impact than you might realize, and is definitely no fun for the cows.

Let's explore the truth behind the beef industry.

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What I Eat In A Day on The Potato Diet

Today I'm sharing a short video of a typical day of what I ate on the potato diet!  Let me know if you're interested in a recap video talking about my experience.  It was an eye-opening 10 days!

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The Potato Cleanse (Potatoes Gonna Potate)

All hail the great potato!

Ever heard of the 'Potato Cleanse' or the 'Potato Diet'?

I'm embarking on a 10-day challenge to eat a majority of my calories from potatoes.  Because, potatoes gonna potate, am I right?

Potatoes are incredible.  They have sustained populations through severe famine.  They are a staple in my whole foods plant based diet.  They are packed with nutrients.  And they are delicious.

What could be better than ten days of mostly potatoes?

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