Posts in Health
How To Get A Better Sleep in Ten Easy Steps

Did you know that one third of the world's adult population suffers from insomnia?  And that 62% of Canadians suffer from some type of sleep problem?  Over a quarter of Canadians have called in sick to catch up on sleep, and I know that I have first hand experience with the way a lack of quality sleep can turn us into slower, more stressed, underperforming zombies with a far less creativity.

Have you ever felt like you, but worse, when you haven’t had a good night’s sleep?  That’s because the parts of your brain responsible for decision making, social interaction, morality, and thought lose as much as 14% of their fuel after even mild sleep deprivation.

When you sleep, your brain is able to discard toxins and other waste by way of the glymphatic system.  What happens when your brain isn’t able to dispose of the waste?  Contemporary science believes this is one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

I know that I feel so much better after a good night’s sleep.  Let’s collect some strategies and some quality Zzzs along the way.  It’s time to sleep better, starting tonight!

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Why You Need To Get More Fibre

The Standard American Diet is dangerously low in fibre, and yet no one seems to be too concerned.  They should be.  Learn all about fibre and why YOU (yes, you) need to be eating more of it in today's blog post!

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Why You Need Blackstrap Molasses In Your Life

Blackstrap molasses.  Sounds like something you wouldn't want to put in your mouth.  But what if I told you that you should, and everyday?  Find out why you're missing out if you're not taking blackstrap religiously after the jump!

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