Posts in Health
Should You Worry About Your Body's pH?

Have you ever heard someone talk about alkalizing their body?  Or avoiding a food because it's too acidic?  Did you think to yourself: "Wow, that health-nut has reached a new level of crazy!"?  There was a time I would have agreed with you, that spending time worrying about your body's pH was going too far down the road to orthorexia, but after more time and research I've discovered that maintaining a balanced pH should be more than a blip on your radar if you're looking to create an environment for optimal health.  (Am I the only one who just imagined a futuristic, sleek, blinking health-radar?  I am?  Never mind, then...)  And aren't we all looking for a way to live a longer, happier, disease-free life?

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How To Start Your Day Off On The Right Foot! Becoming a Morning Person

Everyone wants to start their day off on the right foot, right?  You want to wake up refreshed and energetic, ready to go!  Unfortunately I'm not a morning person, and often when I need to wake up earlier than 10 am my whole day can get a bit thrown off by grouchiness and brain fog.  Most of the time I don't get high quality sleep and wake up often throughout the night, every night.  But no more!  I've gone on a rampage lately reading all of the articles on becoming a morning person and getting better sleep that I could possibly find and making lists of things that I've noticed help me to wake up feeling more rested and ready to start my day.  I decided to compile these things into an article for myself and anyone else who may be struggling with the same issues as I have, with the hopes that it will help at least one other person.  I hope not only to be able to wake up at 8am every single morning, but to want to!  If that's you, too, read on!

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10 Reasons to Go Vegan!

Are you sitting on the fence, unsure about taking the leap into veganism?  I understand.  It took me 8 months of debating and researching after going vegetarian before I made the change.  Now I wish that I'd gone vegan years earlier!  As they say, hindsight is always 20/20.  Perhaps you'll benefit from my hindsight by reading my top 10 reasons to go vegan!

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