Posts in Fashion
How To Minimize Your Belongings Using the KonMari Method!

I am very new to the concept of a capsule wardrobe, but am absolutely loving the experience of living with one over the last thirteen days.  Just in case this is your first time hearing of it, let me explain.  The idea is to reduce your wardrobe to a small, well thought out collection of pieces that can be mixed and matched to create many outfits.  I first learned of this idea from the Un-Fancy blog, so I am loosely following her instructions in my capsule attempt.  (By the way, If you've never been to Caroline's blog, Un-Fancy, go now. I'll wait.) 

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Fall Capsule Wardrobe

It's finally here!  This is literally the most excited I have been for October in my entire life.  Like I mentioned in my How To Build A Capsule Wardrobe post (which you should read, by the way), I have been looking forward to creating a capsule wardrobe for about 6 months.  The process of dreaming, curating, and photographing my new, minimal, fall wardrobe has been so much fun.  I can't wait to show you which pieces I decided on!

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Non Vegan Ingredients to Avoid

Whether you're a new vegan or a vegan veteran, keeping track of no-no ingredients can be incredibly difficult.  Friends and family, from longer term vegans all the way to new vegetarians, have been lamenting hidden animal ingredients popping up all over the place in the foods they used to enjoy with a clean conscience.  That's why I'm creating this handy guide!  Pin or bookmark it so that you can come back and use it as a reference while shopping, making your life that much easier.  These ingredients may be found in food, personal care products, clothing, household products, and more.  Remember:  no one is perfect and it's impossible to successfully avoid all of these ingredients 100% of the time.  Don't beat yourself up or get too caught up in the purity of it all and just do your best!

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How To Build A Capsule Wardrobe

Have you ever woken up, looked at your closet full to bursting and thought: "I have absolutely nothing to wear."?  Me too.  How is it that you can own so many pieces and still feel this way?  Maybe you're like me, surrounding yourself with mediocre pieces and wearing your few favourites over and over again while avoiding the rest.  Well, enough is enough!  I am finally creating a capsule wardrobe and I couldn't be more excited to share my journey with you.  Read on to learn how you can create the perfect, concise, wardrobe for you; full of clothing you love and want to wear every single day!

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